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Welcoming a newborn into your life is a joyous occasion, but it can also bring about a unique challenge: how to politely request friends, family, and sometimes even strangers to “don’t touch your baby”. In the era of heightened health awareness, it’s more important than ever to protect our little ones from unnecessary exposure.
This article explores 10 tactful ways to communicate your wishes, ensuring your baby’s safety while maintaining positive relationships. Yes we know it’s extremely difficult to explain to ah ma, ah gong, parents and in-laws, but here’s some of the reasons we used which helped us keep baby safe for more than 6 months now.
1. The Health Advocate:
Explain that your pediatrician has recommended limited physical contact in these early stages. Phrasing like, “Our doctor has advised us to limit physical contact to keep baby healthy because germs and viruses can easily pass via touch and kisses,” can be effective.
For the parent’s generation and above: “我们的医生建议我们限制身体接触,以保持宝宝健康,因为细菌和病毒可以通过触摸和亲吻轻松传播”
2. The Gracious Host:
Try a friendly approach: “We are so excited you’re here to see our baby! For now, we’re would appreciate if everyone could just admire them from a distance.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “我们很高兴你来看我们的宝宝!目前,我们会感激每个人都能从远处欣赏他们。”
3. The Humor Route:
Lighten the mood with humor: “It’s a ‘look, don’t touch’ policy for our little girl/boy right now! But feel free to make as many funny faces as you like.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “我们现在对我们的小男孩/女孩实行‘看不摸’政策!但请随意做各种有趣的脸”
4. The Straightforward Approach:
Sometimes, being direct is best: “We’re not comfortable with others touching our baby right now, but we’re so glad you’re here to see them!”
For the parent’s generation and above: “我们现在不希望其他人触摸我们的宝宝,但我们很高兴您来见他们!”
5. The Immunity Shield:
Mention the baby’s developing immune system: “Our baby’s immune system is still growing, so we’re avoiding direct contact with others for a bit.”
For the parent’s generation and above: 我们的宝宝的免疫系统还在发育中,因此我们暂时避免与他人直接接触。”
6. The Personal Touch:
Share your feelings: “I’m a bit anxious about germs around the baby. I hope you understand why we’re avoiding touching for now.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “我对宝宝周围的细菌有点焦虑。我希望你们能理解我们为什么现在避免触摸。”
7. The Alternative Offer:
Provide other ways to engage: “While we’re keeping our baby touch-free, we’d love for you to read them a story or play some music for them.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “虽然我们正在保持宝宝不被接触,但我们非常欢迎你为他们讲故事或播放音乐”
8. The Group Inclusion:
Make it a general rule: “To keep our baby as safe as possible, we’re asking ALL our visitors to enjoy them without physical contact.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “为了尽可能地保护我们的宝宝,我们请求所有访客在不进行身体接触的情况下欣赏他们。”
9. The Appreciative Note:
Thank them for their understanding: “Thanks so much for understanding our decision to limit contact with the baby. Your support means a lot to us.”
For the parent’s generation and above: “非常感谢您理解我们限制接触宝宝的决定。您的支持对我们非常重要。”
10. The Visual Cue:
Use a sign on the baby’s stroller or carrier: “Please admire our baby from a distance. Thank you for helping us keep them healthy!”
For the parent’s generation and above: “请从远处欣赏我们的宝宝。谢谢您帮助我们维护他们的健康!”
Navigating the delicate balance of protecting your newborn while respecting the excitement and affection of those around you can be challenging. Using these tactful strategies, you can effectively communicate your wishes, ensuring your baby’s well-being and maintaining harmonious relationships.
Remember, most people will understand and respect your boundaries – it’s all about how you convey the message. And if they don’t, honestly you might want to reconsider your relationship with them.
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