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Breastfeeding Help in SG For New Mothers – A Detailed Guide

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As a new mother who chose the breastfeeding route, I have to honestly say that the journey was not without its up and downs. While breastfeeding offers great benefits for the child, I know how it can also introduce challenges that many new mothers aren’t prepared for. If you are feeling lost on your breastfeeding journey, I want to let you know that you are not alone. I was too, in a similar position, less than a year ago when I gave birth to my baby girl via C-section.

In my own personal journey to learn how to breastfeed as a new mother, I had to scramble for resources postpartum. This is even though I went for prenatal classes and consulted 2 lactation consultants prior to delivery, and another lactation consultant after delivery.

Even with all the help I sought, I eventually DID NOT manage to latch baby successfully beyond the first month due to her torticollis condition. But I continued exclusively pumping (overcoming all the engorgement & clogged duct pain with the right help) so she is on full breastmilk until now (9 months +). So I can only imagine how the average Singaporean first-time mother will feel being thrown into the wild.

On hindsight, I’ve recognized that proper support is key to a successful breastfeeding journey. As such, this article is my effort to give back to the future community of new mothers, with a comprehensive list breastfeeding help in Singapore, so no one needs to scramble and feel lost for long.

Overview of Breastfeeding Challenges

While it’s a seemingly natural activity, breastfeeding issues are more common than most anticipate. So don’t feel ashamed or guilty that you don’t know how to feed your child from the get go. It’s doesn’t come as naturally for everyone as it seems. The truth is, most mothers just don’t have any avenue to share their challenges.

Difficulties can range from latching problems, which affect how the baby feeds, to concerns over milk supply, be it perceived insufficiency or actual low production. On top of that, physical complications like engorgement, blocked ducts, and mastitis not only cause discomfort but can also hinder the breastfeeding process.

Moreover, these challenges can impact a mother’s mental health, leading to feelings of inadequacy or frustration. Hence, early intervention and support are crucial in addressing these issues effectively.

Where to Find Breastfeeding Support in Singapore

Since there are different types of breastfeeding related issues, there are also different types of professionals to help you deal with different issues.

Aside from professionals, I would also recommend to join helpful support groups or communities who can offer helpful advice for common issues that most breastfeeding mothers face. These are usually free of charge, hence can be helpful for mothers on a budget.

1) Lactation Consultants in Singapore (Private)

Certified through comprehensive training, lactation consultants offer tailored advice to address specific concerns. These include improving baby’s latch, issues like tongue or lip tie, hand expression techniques, managing breastfeeding pain and more.

For prenatal or postnatal support, there are private lactation consultants that can offer support. In my case, I also tried out both and here’s my honest review. I feel that while the prenatal consult did help mentally prepare me, I did not manage to retain much of the information after birth. The post natal support, done about 1 week postpartum, did not help get my baby to latch. Unfortunately for me, I think I just did not get a very good consultant. But hopefully it will not be the case for you!

Here’s a list of lactation consultants in Singapore

Lactation ConsultantsServices & Costs
Belly to BreastfeedingLactation Home Visit: 80 mins ($260)
Online Lactation Consult  (Via Zoom): 60 min ($190)
Online Prenatal Breastfeeding Class: 1.5 h (free)
Private Antenatal Childbirth Course: 6 hours ($800)
Doctor AnywhereOnline Consultation from $109
MumsfairyPregnant Mums Workshop: Upon enquiry
Home-Based Post-Natal Breastfeeding Support and Consultation: Upon enquiry
My Milkie Way1-1 Prenatal Session: 3 hours ($400)
Postnatal Home Visit: 1.5 – 2hours
($270 for 1 session / $670 for 3 sessions)
Tender Loving MilkPrenatal Lactation Consultation: Virtual (1.5 hours) -$180 /
Home visit: (up to 2 hours) – $240
Newborn Feeding Support: Virtual (1 hour) – $120 /
Home visit (1.5 hours) – $198
Exclusive Pumping Consultation: Virtual consult (30 minutes $65
/ 60 minutes: $120) / Home visit (1 hour) – $138
Parenting and Breastfeeding Readiness Workshop: (4 hours) $260
List of IBCLC-Certified Lactation Consultants in Singapore

If you are an IBCLC-certified Lactation Consultant who wants to be included on this list, please drop us an email at

2) Hospital-based Breastfeeding Support

Many hospitals in Singapore also provide access to lactation consultants during the postpartum stay. But in my personal experience, that was not very helpful. The time had with the consultant was too short (less than 30mins visit) and I was not in the best of condition (day of delivery) to learn.

Most of the time you just have to inform the nurse you would like to have a lactation consultant come by during your stay (some chargeable, some not). So make sure to check before your delivery.

If you need some more help before or after your stay, here are some other hospital-based support:

KKH (Website)

  • KKH Lactation Service/ Lactation Tele-Consultation Service: 6-CALL KKH (6-2255 554)
  • Leave your contact details and you will be contacted again by KKH’s Lactation Consultants

Mount Alvernia (Website)

Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Website)

  • Outpatient Consultation Service: +65 6933 0940
  • Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Mount Elizabeth Novena (Website)

  • Outpatient Consultation Service: +65 6933 0940
  • Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

NUH (Website)

  • Breastfeeding Helpline: (65) 9722 0376

Parkway East Hospital (Website)

  • Lactation consultant appointment hotline: +65 6377 3737
  • Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

SGH (Website)

  • Lactation Clinic: 6321 4323 / 6326 5926
  • 8.00am to 5.00pm on weekdays. Location: O&G Centre (Blk 5 Level 1)

Thomson Medical (Website)

  • Lactation Consultation: Book an appointment via their website (see link above)
  • Hotline: 6251 4090

3) Lactation Masseurs in Singapore

Lactation masseurs in Singapore
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For physical issues like engorgement or clogged ducts, lactation masseurs will be your lifesavers. Specializing in breast massage, they employ gentle techniques that can stimulate milk flow and alleviate pain, making breastfeeding more comfortable and efficient.

Trust me when I say you should pre-book one of these masseurs for post your delivery. I did not expect the intense pain that came with engorgement about 1 week after delivery. Hence I was suffering in pain for at least two whole nights before I could arrange one on short notice.

Tip: There are not many lactation masseurs who are actually good at what they do, so it’s very hard to book them on short notice. Try to pre-book once you know your delivery date.

Recommendations for masseurs can be found through parenting forums, healthcare providers, or breastfeeding support groups but let me save you the time by listing them here. Caveat: I’ve not tried them all so do your necessary research for the others before engaging.

List of lactation masseurs in Singapore

Lactation MasseurPrice & Contact
ArlinePrice: $150 inclusive of treatment & transport
Contact: 9337 4316
Aunty LynnPrice: $180 / 60-90 mins
Contact: 8833 1307
Mama Jo Price: $100 / hour
Contact: 8874 9491

I’ve tried personally and will recommend.
Mdm IdaPrice: $60 for 45mins / $80 for 1 hour
Contact: 9424 9829
Mdm IdahPrice: $80 / 45mins to 1 hour
Contact: 8378 6676
Mdm SharifahPrice: $50/hour – transport fee when necessary
Contact: 9062 2189
Mdm Zaliah Price: $60 / 45mins to 1 hour
Contact: 9367 2244
M WellnessPrice: $118 for 1 session / $498 for 5 sessions
Contact: 97770309 (WhatsApp)

I’ve tried personally and will recommend.
SukeyPrice: $90 / hour
Contact: 9036 8883 / Carousell
Lactation masseurs in Singapore (updated as of 18 March 2024) By

One major thing I want to flag up, is that a proper lactation massage should NOT hurt you. If the masseur is causing you more pain than relief during the massage, stop immediately.

In ALL my experiences, (least 15 times), only the ONE time I went to a chain out HURT ME. I’ll leave that for another story. Hence you can see why I’ve not included any chain outlets on my list. Apart from my own horror story, I’ve heard only bad things from other mummies, so I’ll leave them out altogether.

Dear mummies if you have any recommendations of good lactation masseurs who use only gentle & effective techniques, please drop us an email at

4) Breastfeeding Support Groups

Breastfeeding journeys share common challenges, and sometimes, the best support comes from those who’ve walked the path before. There is a vibrant (online & offline) community of breastfeeding support groups, providing a platform for mothers to exchange advice, share experiences, and offer emotional support.

Tip: Some communities may take an aggressively pro-breastfeeding only stance. Don’t be too affected by their comments or advice if you are doing mix feeding or dealing with low supply.

Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group (Singapore)

 La Leche League’s Breastfeeding Support – International

Reddit (r/breastfeeding) – International

Breastfeeding Essentials (Pumps to Pillows)

The right tools can make a significant difference in your breastfeeding experience. Essential items like high-quality breast pumps, nursing pillows for comfort, and supplements for milk production can be game-changers.

Here are some comprehensive guides I’ve written on this topic:

Breastfeeding Essentials: How Much I Spent In the First 6 Months
breastfeeding supplements
7 Nursing Bras For Breastfeeding
Strategies to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Final Thoughts

Breastfeeding as a new mother may come with its set of challenges. But with the right support and resources, it can also be a deeply rewarding experience.

Your experiences and insights can offer invaluable support to fellow mothers embarking on their breastfeeding journey. If you’ve found strategies that worked or have questions about breastfeeding support in Singapore, share them in the comments. Together, we can build a nurturing and informed community.

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